Our Clients

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Our clients are diverse, including private sector corporations, nonprofit associations, and governmental agencies. Whether a high-tech start-up or a multinational telecommunications corporation, a two-person doctor’s office or a comprehensive healthcare system, an individual law firm or a law school, we have experience working in all forms of organizational settings and systems. Our standard of excellence compels us to work with clients who are willing to examine and address tough issues. We often hear statements like:
This is not at all what I expected. I usually don’t want to participate in these sessions because nothing gets accomplished. This was really positive.
For the first time, I feel like I really got heard.
You take extremely boring topics and make them interesting by providing useful examples of what our job is really like.
I really get the sense that you care about helping us. I’ve been avoiding this class; but, I decided to come because the hall talk has been terrific.
Your work has brought out the best in us. It’s amazing how much you know about us. You guys really do your homework!
Our exceptional track record shows we are adept at providing leadership and direction to our clients—consistently and economically. As a result of our continuous consultative client relationships, almost all new clients come through referral. Over the years our associates have provided services to:
- Avanade Business Technology Services
- Anne Arundel Medical Center
- Bank South
- Core States Bank & Trust
- FannieMae
- GEOLOC Corporation
- Hartford/ITT
- Kaiser Permanente
- LCC Telecom Management Services
- Lockheed Martin
- NationsBank
- PROMAX Management
- Tiffany & Co.
- Washington Gas
- American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- American Institute of Architects
- Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development
- Association of Pool & Spa Professionals
- Committee for Women in Science & Engineering
- Conference of State Bank Supervisors
- Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC
- National Blood Exchange American Association of Blood Banks
- National Security Industrial Association
- Point-of-Purchase Advertising International
- Public Broadcasting Service
- Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals
- Tudor Place Foundation
- Whitman-Walker Clinic
- World Bank Group
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- U.S. Department of Defense
- U.S. Department of Education
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Department of Interior
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of State
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- U.S. Department of Treasury
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Executive Office of the President
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Export/Import Bank of the U.S.
- National Credit Union Administration
- National Science Foundation
- Office of Personnel Management
- Intelligence Community
- Architect of the Capitol
- U.S. Federal Judicial Center
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Texas Education Agency